1.Or you may speak too slowly as if you were searching for the right word and correct grammar.
2.It's not difficult for me to understand a written sentence, but I've no idea how to choose the right word to make such a sentence.
3.A: I don't know if "angry" is the right word, but it seems to me she's a little upset.
4.It seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow .
5.If you compose a right word, it will disappear, and you will get the same number of points as the number of letters in the word.
6.Shouting at, swearing at, or even hitting an office subordinate is not nice, but I am not sure bullying is the right word for it.
7.I think pandas have had a valuable role in raising the profile of conservation, but perhaps "had" is the right word.
8.Here are a few examples of instances where other languages have found the right word and English simply falls speechless.
9.dr. deepak: but thats not entirely correct, its not outside, outside will not be a right word for it.
10.We did not even -- I think adversity is not even the right word.